I have a few more things to sort out tomorrow and then I fly to Melbourne tomorrow evening. Butterflies are beginning to develop.
Tentative itinerary:
9 - 11 January: Melbourne, Australia
12 - 25 January: Canberra, Australia (playing bridge - the Australian Youth Week and SW Pacific Teams)
26 January: Santiago, Chile
27 - 30 January: La Paz, Bolivia
30 January-10 February: Tour from La Paz to Cuzco, Peru, including Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu
10 February - 26 April: Wandering around Peru and Colombia - trekking, volunteering, boating down the Amazon and generally having a good time
26 April - 06 May: Vancouver, Canada to see some old friends
06 May - 11 June: Exploring France/Belgium/Germany
11 June --> Spending some time with extended Dutch family, and then a "free agent"...
So, we will see how it goes! I will be aiming to update this blog every week or so with an update.